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The biologically catalyzed creation of new crystalline structures amongst the individual soil particles, connects the particles with each other.

PERMA-ZYME lowers the surface tension of water which promotes fast and thorough penetration and dispersal of moisture. This action causes hydrated clay particles to be pressed into and to fill the voids throughout the soil, thus forming a tight, dense permanent stratum.

Reduces Compaction Effort

The increased lubricity of soil particles allows the designated soil density to be reached with less compactive effort.

Requires Less Water

PERMA-ZYME reduces, by as much as 25%, the amount of water required to reach the optimum moisture level of the soil because it promotes rapid saturation and inhibits surface evaporation.

Better Load Bearing Capacity

The PERMA-ZYME "cementation" action increases the soil bearing characteristics by promoting a closer binding of soil particles. This reduces the tendency of the soil to expand after compaction and results in a strong stable earth layer.

Lowers Permeability

By achieving greater bonding density, soil materials resist migration of water. A properly treated PERMA-ZYME base becomes almost impervious to water penetration and much more resistant to frost heaving.

Eliminates Need For Importing Aggregate

Road builders can now construct a new road base using existing soil materials - without trucking in additional aggregate (if sufficient cohesive fines are present).


PERMA-ZYME with the top 5 or 6 inches of soil will produce a road base that has more strength and less permeability than can be attained with any other treatment.

Use Less Expensive Dirty Aggregate

If new material is needed, less expensive, dirty aggregate is a requirement. The dirty fines are needed to bond the material together. Dirty meaning 15 to 20% cohesive fines passing a 200 screen.

Weather and Locale Compatible

PERMA-ZYME can be applied over a wide weather and locale range. From near freezing to hot summer, from rainy climate to dry desert, from lake bottom to earthen dam, from mountain top to deepest mine.

Reduces Labor And Maintenance

New or existing roads treated with PERMA-ZYME to the recommended depth will retain a tough, rupture-resistant surface that requires minimal maintenance, often requiring no additional "dressing" for a number of years.

Easy To Store

PERMA-ZYME is sold in liquid concentrate form. This eliminates the bulk storage, pre-mixing and handling of large amounts of materials. It will not corrode equipment.

Safe Handling

PERMA-ZYME is non-toxic. It requires no special handling equipment and no special containment procedures as required with toxic and/or corrosive agents. It does not irritate skin tissue and causes no rash or bum.


PERMA-ZYME contains no combustible materials, is non-explosive and can be used near open flame. It is non-gaseous and can be stored in poorly ventilated areas.

Environmentally Safe

PERMA-ZYME will not harm humans, animals, fish or vegetation under normal use and is biodegradable. Only three 5-gallon drums of PERMA-ZYME needed to treat one mile 25 feet wide, 6 inches deep

Cost Effective

The ability to reduce or eliminate the purchase of massive amounts of aggregate, and the benefit of not having to transport the crushed rock in from distant locations adds up to significant cost reduction for the road builder.

Remember, there is only one PERMA-ZYME

- Proven Soil Stabilization for over 20 Years! -

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